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Evidence for Kara

1 pieces of evidence found.

Id DLP.Evidence.698
Type Ethnography
Location Bagara
Date 1925-01-01 - 1925-12-31
Rules Can be played by any number of players; each player has three holes and one store. The stores are located in the center, with the players' holes surrounding them. Seven counters in each hole. Players begin by picking up the counters in one of their holes and sowing them anti-clockwise. If the final counter lands in an opponent's hole or the rightmost hole belonging to the player sowing, having dropped counters in the opponent's holes making them contain two, four, or six counters, the contents of those holes are captured. The player who has the most counters at the end of the game wins.
Content "3. Kâra This is a Bagara game of something the same kind as the last two described. Any number of players take part and each has three houses and a store for what he "eats" (a makkâla, plural makâkîl). Each house contains initially seven counters, generally small balls of dried clay, called collectively tûb (bricks). Fig. 7 shows the board set for four players, MM being the Makâkîl. A player moves by picking up the contents of any one of his houses and distributing the counters one at a time, round the board in an anti-clockwise direction. If his move comes to an end in an opponent's house or in the right-hand one of his own houses and also leaves two or four or six counters in any of the opponent's houses then the player "eats" any such householed of two, four, or six and the move passes to the next player. The winner is the person whose makkâla contains the most counters at the end of the game. If there are several players, any given house is apt to become very full of counters, with the result that it is difficult to foresee the effect of moving its contents. This explains an otherwise obscure allusion to the celebrated Sheikh Musa Mâdibbo, late Nazir of the Rizeigat tribe, as "bahr Kâra gharig"—"a deep sea of Kâra". The Nzir's reputation was that he would sit in council with his sheikhs and elders, and would listen to all their opinions, but would not disclose his own, so that the result of the "meglis" was as unpredictable as that f moving the contents of a very full hour of Kâra." Davies 1925: 142 .
Confidence 100
Source Davies, R. 1925. 'Some Arab Games and Puzzles.' Sudan Notes and Records. 8: 137–152.

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lkjh Maastricht University Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS), Paul-Henri Spaaklaan 1, 6229 EN Maastricht, Netherlands Funded by a €2m ERC Consolidator Grant (#771292) from the European Research Council