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Evidence for Bára Guti

1 pieces of evidence found.

Id DLP.Evidence.1457
Type Ethnography
Game Bára Guti
Location Punjab
Location 31° 3'8.77"N, 77°24'43.15"E
Date 1919-01-01 - 1919-12-31
Rules The board consists of 5x5 intersecting lines with diagonals of each quadrant. Pieces are placed on the intersections and can move along the lines. Each player has 12 pieces. Pieces can move to one adjacent point. Captures can be made by hopping over an opponent's piece. The goal is to capture all of the opponent's pieces.
Content "In the year 1919 I had an occasion to visit the Chor pek in the neighbourhood of SImla and in course of the march from Phagu to the bank of the rive Giri, I came across a square drawn on a rock surface, the square being divided into a number of smaller squares by means of lines as shown in the following figure...According to the rules of the game two persons are necessary for playing it and the players are to provide themselves with twenty-four pieces of small stones or gravels of two different descriptions so that they can be easily recognized. The diagram shows that there are twenty-five points where two or more straight lines have met. These points may be called cross-points. Each of these cross-points, with the exception of the central one, has got a playing piece set on it. The move begins after completion of this arrangement and when a player has one of his own playing pieces set next to one of his opponent's in such a way that the next cross-point in the same right line is vacant, the former's piece can jump over the latter's one, occupy the enemy cross-point and the former player takes away the piece belonging to the latter. The player who can, in this way, capture all the pieces belonging to his adversary is declared to be the winner of the game. The game is not confined to the hills, but, as I could gather through the kindness of my friend Mr. Shiva Raj, it is also found in the Punjab plains and goes by the name of bára guti (twelve ballets)." das-Gupta 1923: 510-511.
Confidence 100
Spaces Outside
Source Das-Gupta, H.C. 1923. "Notes on a Type of Sedentary Game Prevalent in Many Parts of India." Journal and Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 19: 71-74.

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lkjh Maastricht University Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS), Paul-Henri Spaaklaan 1, 6229 EN Maastricht, Netherlands Funded by a €2m ERC Consolidator Grant (#771292) from the European Research Council