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Evidence for Alquerque de Nueve

1 pieces of evidence found.

Id DLP.Evidence.1678
Type Rules text
Location Alfonso X
Date 1283-01-01 - 1283-12-31
Rules Three concentric circles, with lines connecting the midpoints of the sides. Nine pieces per player. Three six-sided dice. Players place pieces on the board according to the throws of the dice. When a player places three pieces in a row, they capture one of the other pleyer's pieces.
Content "This is nine men’s morris that is played with dice and it is played like this: There is another mill game that is played with eighteen pieces – nine of one colour and nine of another. And it is played both with and without dice like chess. And it has part of tables in it because of the lines where the pieces are placed are similar to those because they have six and five and four and three and two and one like the millboard but there are played on the markings. And in the pieces. And in the play. On the markings they are played by the marks where the tables pieces are played which are made around the board which are called points or in those which are scalloped. The millboard is all marks inside as well as around. And the pieces are different because in tables the pieces are round and flat like wheels or square. The others are round and tall like chess pawns and these are used in mill. The placement is different for this reason.The first to play rolls the dice first, if they should say 6+5+4, 3+3+6, 5+2+2, or 1+1+4 because he wants to roll these rolls, he will place three pieces in a row and he will remove each time one of the pieces of the other player. And if he rolls so that he makes two mills he will remove two pieces. This mill is making a row of three as we said and as many times as one is made that many pieces are removed. And this same thing [f. 92v] the other player does each time he can make a mill. And in this way mill is different from tables. This is the diagram of the board and of the pieces." f. 92 from Alfonso X's Libro de los Juegos, translation be S. Golladay.
Confidence 100
Ages Adult
Social status Elite, Nobility
Genders Male
Source Golladay, S. M. n.d. Alfonso X’s Book of Games. Translated by Sonja Musser Golladay.

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lkjh Maastricht University Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS), Paul-Henri Spaaklaan 1, 6229 EN Maastricht, Netherlands Funded by a €2m ERC Consolidator Grant (#771292) from the European Research Council