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Evidence for Four-Fang

2 pieces of evidence found.

Id DLP.Evidence.1832
Type Artifact
Location 34°33'33.07"N,112°28'4.43"E
Date 0680-01-01 - 1999-07-31
Rules 4x4 intersecting lines.
Content Graffiti board with 4x4 intersecting lines from Wan fu Cave at Longmen, China. The cave was made during the Tang Dynasty, but the board was found in July 1999. Found in the back room of the cave. Shimizu and Miyahara 2002: 25, 29, fig. 6.
Confidence 100
Spaces Public, Ritual
Source Shimizu, Y. and S. Miyahara. 2002. "Game Boards in the Longmen Caves and the Game of Fang." Board Game Studies 5: 25-33.

Id DLP.Evidence.1833
Type Ethnography
Location Shaanxi Qinghai
Location 30°36'5.61"N, 114°17'39.33"E 39°44'56.81"N,116° 8'35.74"E 34°44'47.80"N,113°37'31.18"E
Date 1999-07-01 - 1999-12-31
Rules 4x4 board.
Content Account describing the presence of Fang games in Shaanxi province, China, from people from Wuhan, Fangshan, Zhengzhou, and Qinghai province. Shimizu and Miyahara 2002: 31-32.
Confidence 100
Source Shimizu, Y. and S. Miyahara. 2002. "Game Boards in the Longmen Caves and the Game of Fang." Board Game Studies 5: 25-33.

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lkjh Maastricht University Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS), Paul-Henri Spaaklaan 1, 6229 EN Maastricht, Netherlands Funded by a €2m ERC Consolidator Grant (#771292) from the European Research Council