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Evidence for Krida Buddhibalasrita

1 pieces of evidence found.

Id DLP.Evidence.1982
Type Contemporary rule description
Location 25°15'58.99"N, 82°43'59.93"E
Date 1600-01-01 - 1699-12-31
Rules 8x8 board, with markings in the four central squares, the four corner squares, and the two middle squares of each edge. The pieces have the following movement values: Raja (x1): moves one space in any direction; Mantri (x1): moves diagonally one space; Karabha (x2): jumps exactly two squares diagonally; Raji (x2): moves orthogonally one space and then diagonally another space, jumping over any intervening pieces; Kunjara (x2): moves orthogonally any distance; Patti (x8): move forward orthogonally one space, diagonally forward one space to capture. When a Patti reaches a marked space on the opposite edge of the board, it is promoted to Mantri if it is on a marked square. If it is on an unmarked square, the Patti must move back to the space from which it moved to the last row and is then promoted to Mantri. If the Raja can be taken on the opponent's next turn, it is in check. The Raja must not be in check at the end of the player's turn. If this is not possible, it is checkmate and the opponent wins.If a Raja is in stalemate, and no other pieces can move the player may remove one of the opponent's pieces causing the stalemate. If the opponent is reduced to only their Raja, it is also a victory, though considered a lesser one. Checking the opponent's Raja 64 consecutive times is a win.
Content Description of Nikalantha Bhatta's Bhagavantabhaskara, which includes a discussion of the Krida Buddhibalasrtia in Murray 1913: 63-65.
Confidence 100
Ages Adult
Social status Elite
Genders Male
Source Murray, H. J. R. 1913. A History of Chess. London: Oxford University Press.

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lkjh Maastricht University Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS), Paul-Henri Spaaklaan 1, 6229 EN Maastricht, Netherlands Funded by a €2m ERC Consolidator Grant (#771292) from the European Research Council