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Evidence for Ghingskoot

1 pieces of evidence found.

Id DLP.Evidence.1390
Type Ethnography
Location Pima County
Date 1907-01-01 - 1907-12-31
Rules Played on a board with 36 holes arranged in a square, with a gap in the center of each side. There are arcs of five holes branching from opposite corners. Can be played with two to four players, who can also play on teams. One or two pieces per player. Four stick dice are used, with one marked side. Each die is marked differently for a different value: 4, 6, 14, 15. The throws are as follows: All marked sides up = 5; three marked sides up = 3; two marked sides up = 2, one marked side up = the value of the marked side; zero marked sides up = 10. Players’ pieces enter on the branching arcs. The second piece cannot enter before the first one leaves the arc. Each player can choose which direction they wish to move around the board, but they must continue in this direction for the rest of the game. If a player lands on the same spot as the opponent, the opponent’s piece is removed from the board and must re-enter. Player must make an exact throw to get a piece off the board. The player to get both of their pieces off the board first wins.
Content "The four marked face receive the following names: Old man, young man, old woman, young woman...Two backs and two fronts of any sticks up counts 2, three fronts and one back of any sticks up, 3; three backs and the young man up, 4; all fronts up, 5; three backs and the old woman up, 6; all backs, 10; three backs and the young woman up, 14; three backs and the old man up, 15...The counts are kept on a rectangle marked on the ground (figure 167), usually approximating 12 by 8 feet, having ten holes, or pockets, counting the corners each time along each side. At two alternate corners are two quadrants called houses (kee) of five holes each not counting the corner holes, called doors (jouta). The game is played by two, three, or four players for self or partner, with counters called horses. These usually number two for each player. They are put into play consecutively and by alternate throws of the players. A throw of less than 5, which does not carry the horses out of the door, prevents a player from entering another horse until his aggregate throws are 5+. thus putting his horse into the rectangle proper. After all the horses of a single contestant are in play he may move the same horse continuously. In counting, the pockets from A to either of the nearest corners is 15. It is optional with the player whether he turns to the left or right upon leaving the door, though he must move his horse round the rectangle in the same direction after once starting. If X throws 15, moveing to a, and W throws the same number, enabling him to move to the same point, he kills, or throws X's horse out of play, and he must start his piece over again; and again, if he should throw 14, he accomplishes the same result (there is no 1 in the stick count). However, if X should get to c and W throw 10 from house and get to d, he does not kill him. If on the next throw W throws 14 and X has not moved from c, he kills him. A horse must run entirely around the rectangle and back into the house pockets, where he is safe from being killed; but to make him a winning piece, the exact number to count to a must be thrown by the sticks. When a horse is on a pocket adjoining a, a 2 throw is considered out. The object of the game is to carry all the horses around the pockets and out again at a, the first player succeeding in this being declared the winner." Culin 1907: 146-148.
Confidence 100
Source Culin, S. 1907. Games of the North American Indians. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.

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lkjh Maastricht University Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS), Paul-Henri Spaaklaan 1, 6229 EN Maastricht, Netherlands Funded by a €2m ERC Consolidator Grant (#771292) from the European Research Council