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Evidence for Bao Ki Arabu (Zanzibar 2)

1 pieces of evidence found.

Id DLP.Evidence.657
Type Ethnography
Location Zanzibar
Date 1931-01-01 - 1931-12-31
Rules 4x7 board. Two counters in each hole. Sowing occurs in an anti-clockwise direction. When the last counter falls into an occupied hole, the counters in it are picked up and sowing continues. Sowing ends when the last counter falls into an empty hole. When this hole is in the inner row, the counters in the opponent's inner row opposite it are captured; if there are also counters in the opponent's outer row opposite, these are also captured, but not if the inner row is empty. Play continues until one player has lost all of their counters.
Content "Bao is a game played on a board, having four rows of eight holes in it, with the grey seeds of a shrub that grows on the seashore. There are three forms, Kiswahili and two forms of Kiarabu. Kiswahili is very complicated, but Kiarabu is more simple. The debased form is as follows: In each hole are three seeds, and two rows of holes for each player. The starting player picks up the seeds from one hole, and passing either to right or to left, drops one into each hole. If the last of the seeds in his hand drops into a hole with more seeds in, all are picked up and distributed till at last one falls in an unoccupied hole. He then picks up all the seeds of his opponent in the two holes immediately opposite. The second player goes on, and the game continues till one or the other captured all his enemy's seeds. The true for form Arabia is playes, using only seven holes in each of the four rows and only two seeds in each hole. Otherwise it is the same as the form described above, except that all movement is anti-clockwise, and if there are no seeds in the opponent's front like, those in his back line cannot be taken." Ingrams 1931: 256-257.
Confidence 100
Source Ingrams, W. H. 1931. Zanzibar: Its History and People. London: H. F. & G. Witherby.

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lkjh Maastricht University Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS), Paul-Henri Spaaklaan 1, 6229 EN Maastricht, Netherlands Funded by a €2m ERC Consolidator Grant (#771292) from the European Research Council