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Evidence for Pasit

1 pieces of evidence found.

Id DLP.Evidence.1600
Type Ethnography
Location Burma
Date 1882-01-01 - 1882-12-31
Rules |Four 3x8 rectangles, arranged in a cross-shaped board. the fourth square, counting from the outer corners, in the outer rows of each arm are marked. Four pieces per player. Six cowrie shells are used as dice. The value of the throws is as follows: one mouth up = 10; two mouths up = 2, three mouths up = 3; four mouths up = 5; five mouths up = 25; six mouths up = 12; all mouths down = 6.On the first turn, players get three throws, and enter a piece for every throw of 10 or 25. on the top left square in their arm. If three 10s or three 25s are thrown, the turn is a loss and pieces are not entered. Players move their pieces around the board in an anti-clockwise direction. When a piece lands on a space occupied by an opponent's piece, the opponent's piece is removed from the board and must enter again. Pieces resting on marked squares are safe from being removed from the board, and a player whose throw would bring them to this spot when it is occupied by an opponent loses their turn. When a piece completes a circuit of the board. it moves toward the central row in the player's arm, and progresses up the central row into the large square in the center of the board. The player who moves all of their pieces into the center first wine.
Content "Another game called pasit, or chuay pyit-thee, or ansali pyit-thee is a steeplechase kind of arrangement, and is a favourite with children and simple country people. It is played oh a board shaped and divided like that in the figure : — Cowries are used instead of dice, and the object is to complete the tour of the board as fast as possible, and to take as many opponents as you can on the way. Thus if there were two playing, the first thrower -would enter at a, and having reached h, would continue from a to c, from c to d, and so on. The second would commence at a also, but proceed first to c thence to d, and so on. A third would start from e towards /, and a fourth in the remain- ing arm. The method is as follows. Six cowries (cliuay) are taken in the hand and thrown into a plate or cup ; if one falls upside down it is called t’se, and counts ten; two, called pah, score two ; three, thohn, is the same in value ; four, lay, equals four ; five, upside down, called taseht, scores twenty- five. When all are on their hacks, it is called hahyah, and counts twelve. When all six fall on their faces, chouk, and the value six. You have three throws to start with, and can only enter with a ten or a twenty-five ; after entering you can have only one throw at a time. If you are lucky enough, you may enter two or even three racers, but if you. throw three tens running, or three twenty-fives consecutively the hand is lost to you, you cannot enter even one. If you overtake an opponent and come on to the same square with him, you kill him and he has to go back to the starting post, but only if you fall on the same square, and not if he is on one of the shaded squares, called poh or kyah, which axe coloured red or green on the board. In this latter case you lose your throw. The game is won by returning home first. Thus the first player having rounded g, comes down the middle course and finishes at h ; the second player at i ; the third at j, and so on. Any number can play, and if there are four, or more, and even numbers, partnerships are formed." Yoe 1882: 83-85.
Confidence 100
Ages Child, Adult
Social status Non-Elite
Source Yoe, S. 1882. The Burman his Life and Notions. London: Macmillan and Co.

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